Property Down Payment
What's next on your bucket list? To be a homeowner? Motivated by the recent bullish market, the Cheungs are looking to buy an apartment for themselves. However, as most banks only offer mortgages of up to 60% of the property price, the down payment would be a big burden to the couple. To their delight, Elephant Club's customised homeowner loan comes in handy. Through its easy and efficient online application system, the Cheungs get the money in no time and are now busy preparing for moving in their new home!
Why Elephant Club for Vehicle Loan? Most competitive interest rate and repayment terms
Apply at your own time and own space
Application process is simple, efficient and smart
Free credit assessment - Elephant Rating Card
Apply now if you meet the following criteria: You are 18 years of age or over
Your credit history is in good order
You have a stable employment
You could meet monthly repayments